Saturday, December 22, 2007
Paper cut
My fingers and hands are all covered in cuts. I think it might be from opening boxes at work and some of the packaging that our products come in. Christmas is a crazy time of the year and instead of invoking happiness it tends to bring out the worst in people instead. At one point today, a lady got pissy with me about some stupid boxes. People always want something more and it's like they completely forget that the people they are talking to are human too. Why people don't do their damn shopping sooner than now is beyond me. I understand picking up some stuff here and there that you might have missed before... It's really funny to me when customers tell me that they adopted a family for Christmas and want to know if there's anything cheaper in the store. It's like, why are you even going to bother getting something for someone when there's no love in it or that you're doing it for the right reasons instead of trying to look good in front of other people? It really bothers me. Bah hum bug. On a brighter note, I did discover that our local Dick's Sporting Goods carries rifles and ammunition, so my idea of taking over my mall when zombies attack is even more justified now. I'm still working on how to actually fortify the mall. I was thinking of recruiting the security guards since they have keys and all...but they are all kind of doofy. Hmm. What to do? I need to get a map and study it. My cousin agrees that the mall would be the best place, but it doesn't have a very good food court so that could be an issue. Oh well. Now, on a saner note, I finished most of my Christmas shopping, although not by choice. My wallet made that decision for me. There's so much that I want to get everyone but I don't have anymore money. I'm going to draw pictures of a couple of people. I know that's cheesy, but it'll be fun for me to do an anime caricature of some of the people I work with. In fact, I need to go ahead and start that before I go to bed. I gotta work tomorrow and on X-mas eve too, but it's cool. Okay, g'night guys and MERRY CHRISTMAS! and for my Jewish friends, HAPPY CHANUKKAH!!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Kendora and the Mall of Doom
Working in a mall can sometimes be hell. You get crazy customers, weird customers, overly nice customers, customers who steal when they think you're not looking, and so on and so forth. I actually prefer to be away from the registers when my store is crowded because people become more tedious and asinine than they regularly are during the holiday season. They want these 50 things on one gift receipt and the other 50 on two separate ones and you try to explain that your register is so old it can only give out one gift receipt for all of the items or one for every individual item, which then warrants their input on how silly and stupid you are because you don't update your systems. I love the people who have lots of stuff and need individual gift receipts, because we have to hit the button before we scan every item and then the customer gets a freaking novel at the end of their transaction. I also enjoy the ones who bring up like 3 baskets overflowing with merchandise and decide to go through every item with you only to end up buying two clearance t-shirts. I have to wonder how some of us managed to breed. It's funny though because I don't think I'm a people person but I can comfortably say that some people actually enjoy my eccentricness and I enjoy disturbing most of them. For example, one lady insisted on telling me all about everyone she was shopping for and how old they were and blah blah blah. All I did was ask how she was doing. I really enjoy being on the sales floor talking to people, it's fun. But it does suck when I can't build a rapport with people first and then ease into trying to sell them stuff. I wonder if companies realize that by attacking someone when they first enter the store, is not a good way to build business. It annoys the person and they're going to keep the hell away from you and continue to ignore you when you talk to them. If you act aloof and as if you're there sort of hanging out (still acknowledging them), they are more apt to talk to you and let you ask them open ended questions. ...I need to get into marketing or something, hahahaha. In my 8+ years of retail so far, I have noticed that being a human as opposed to a corporate robot, you tend to get people to buy more from you. The masses like nice people, right? I'm obviously nowhere near getting my sanity back because I actually say things like "well we can't sell it if it's not on the floor!" I always swore I'd never become like I becoming an adult? No way, I mean I still think about zombies and am currently thinking about adding survival tips for mall employees in case zombies attack here in my blog. Let's face it, when it happens we're all screwed and not all of us will have read Max Brooks "Zombie Survival Guide." Therefore, I shall help educate the procrastinators in the art of survival. Since one of the better zombie movies takes place in a mall, and yours truly just so happens to work in one, I will go over with you guys on how to fortify your mall. There are some things I think Mr. Brooks had right, but most of the American nation is full of consumer procrastinators. In other words, most people will already be out shopping when we have Zombie outbreaks. But I will save all that for next time. For now, I need to be regaining health because I will be venturing back out to go back to work. I need all the hours I can get. See? Life is just like a videogame! You work for money and experience to help level you up and occasionally need to regain health. W0o+ for money! Later guys!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
So apparently, I am allergic to freaking dissolvable sutures. My incision areas got all red and blotchy and they itch like hell. We're talking itching so bad that I feel ill if I don't scratch them. I went to the doctor's and they gave me some ointment, and two types of pills. Argh it just itches horribly. At least I finally got to go to work. But I am alive and really wanting to see the movie "Juno." 'Kay g'night guys~~!
Friday, December 7, 2007
I get to return to work on Monday! Thank God. TV reruns, infomercials, and my animals staring at me expectantly, are going to be a thing of the past come Monday. The good thing is that I got caught up on anime and came up with ideas to make my first novel longer and the outlines for the following books. Hehehehe. Unfortunately, I haven't typed anything, only scribbled it in my notebook. I've been spending a lot of time with my mom, which isn't as bad as it- oh hell who am I kidding, we drove each other nuts. We went to eat at O'Charley's last night and we were bickering, so I went in ahead of mom. There was this older lady standing inside the doorway, and I said "Wanna see funny?" then proceeded to hold the doors closed as my mom walked up. The lady laughed and stuck her tongue out at my mom. It was awesome. One point for Kendora. We put the tree up last night as well, and let me tell you that our attic is freaking crowded and creepy. As I'm up there digging around for our Christmas lights and ornaments, after I argued with mom telling her that they were in her closet and she insisted they weren't. After a half hour, I finally insisted that she look in her damned closet. Weeeeeell, I finally get into her room and locate the missing Christmas paraphernalia in her closet. Of course this is all after the adventures in putting together the motley Charlie Brown Christmas tree from hell. We had all these extra pieces, and didn't have enough of the big pieces that fit at the bottom of the tree (obviously it's a fake tree), but we had the extra ones from the top (the small ones). Therefore, I put the extra small pieces at the bottom of the tree and put the craptacular part towards the wall so no one can see it. All-in-all, I avoided a National Lampoon's Christmas, when I had to untangle the lights and change the ones that weren't working. Let me just say, you can accumulate a lot of freaking lights. We have like two boxes, a bag, a plastic holder, and a large Sears bag full of damn lights. It's insane. Mom decided she wants me to put them on the house. She had me out all day yesterday shopping for some more lights, and I told her to wait until after Christmas to buy them, then just hang them up and leave them until next year. But I'm happy she actually listened to me, because we already have an ungodly amount of the damned lights. I noticed that no one else in our neighborhood had any lights up, but that could be because we are now living in the pre-ghetto. Our 'hood is becoming pretty bad and it's still on that border between trashy, ghetto and just a bunch of old people. Bleh, I need to go blow dry my hair. I had to shower this morning because I just couldn't get that dirty attic feeling off of me from last night. So, I'm off to dry my hair and brainstorm some more. Later guys!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
I think it's infected
Hey folks, it's been a while and I'm still alive...unfortunately. I think that my belly button has become infected, but hey, everything always seems to happen when you're down. It should be expected. I feel a lot better and my incisions have healed nicely and I don't feel like I'm dying when I eat something. With all the free time I have had, I have got to catch up on anime, watch TV, read books over and over, and feel miserable because I'm not at working earning money to pay my bills. I was ready to go back to work right after my surgery, despite the discomfort I felt, and now I'm even more anxious to go back despite the lingering discomfort I feel. I just need to do something productive and when I get back to work I'm not even going to need caffeine for a while because I'll be so pumped to be back doing stuff to keep me busy. Of course it sucks that I might miss my favorite reality TV show, but they rerun it like a thousand times. My sleep patterns are off and I either don't sleep for a couple of days or I oversleep. But in this time that I have had to do absolutely nothing except pray for my body to heal quicker, I have discovered that my manager at work looks just like Mary Louise-Parker. It's sort of scary, watching Weeds and thinking it's my manager. SHERRY IS AWESOME, EVEN MORE SO THAN MARY LOUISE-PARKER! Sorry, I tend to make comments about everyone else just as she comes in so she never gets to hear good compliments from me that are about her. The conversations usually go something like:
Me: Yea and So-and-so and You-know-who is freaking hilarious...*Enter Sherry who pauses and sort of looks at me expectantly*
Other Employee talking to me: ...Yea.
Me: Okay I'm going to go out on the floor. Nice old lady sweater! *exits*
Yes it's all in a day's work for me to provide humor and torment to the masses, especially my superiors, lol. No but seriously, I love everyone at work. I miss it!!! Anyway back to the wonderful show that is Weeds. It's about a suburban mom who sells drugs and things keep going from bad to worse for her, but in a funny sort of way. Now, I am not a fan of drugs (life is my drug!) and I do not endorse them (thanks D.A.R.E.), but this show is so wonderfully brilliant and witty that I can't not love it (I'm talking about the show). I'm just mad that we don't have Showtime and I have to wait for season 3 to come out on DVD. So, everyone should watch the wonderfulness that is this awesomely written show. ...And that's about it. I don't really have much else to say except that I'm anxiously awaiting my book back from cousin so I can pass it off to the last two people and so that I can finish editing it and getting it copyrighted. But I know he's a really busy person, and his opinion means a lot to me. 'Kay, enough of that. Talk to you guys later!
Me: Yea and So-and-so and You-know-who is freaking hilarious...*Enter Sherry who pauses and sort of looks at me expectantly*
Other Employee talking to me: ...Yea.
Me: Okay I'm going to go out on the floor. Nice old lady sweater! *exits*
Yes it's all in a day's work for me to provide humor and torment to the masses, especially my superiors, lol. No but seriously, I love everyone at work. I miss it!!! Anyway back to the wonderful show that is Weeds. It's about a suburban mom who sells drugs and things keep going from bad to worse for her, but in a funny sort of way. Now, I am not a fan of drugs (life is my drug!) and I do not endorse them (thanks D.A.R.E.), but this show is so wonderfully brilliant and witty that I can't not love it (I'm talking about the show). I'm just mad that we don't have Showtime and I have to wait for season 3 to come out on DVD. So, everyone should watch the wonderfulness that is this awesomely written show. ...And that's about it. I don't really have much else to say except that I'm anxiously awaiting my book back from cousin so I can pass it off to the last two people and so that I can finish editing it and getting it copyrighted. But I know he's a really busy person, and his opinion means a lot to me. 'Kay, enough of that. Talk to you guys later!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Agonizing pain...
I need to ween myself off of pain killers. I don't like being out of my mind, and let me tell you, it has been an adventure these past couple of days. Restlessness doesn't even begin to describe how I feel. The animals think it's cool I'm home, because I am here to pet them and talk to them about everything. Daytime TV sucks majorly, all of my books have been read twice, and my focus isn't strong enough to actually sit in front of a video game. ...Oh and the damn dvds I ordered from ebay still have yet to get here and entertain me! GRAH! Thankfully I still have my imagination and in between bouts of spacing out, I've thought up some good ideas. So I guess it's not all lost. Everything seems so...I dunno ephemeral, right now and I can't bear to think of reality. Reality equals all the bills I have and work and school and bills at school my mom's bills and well the whole weight of the world on my shoulders. This could all be due to the painkillers I have to take, but who knows. It'll all work out and I just need to remember that and cling to it...what was I saying? I feel so sleepy and I think maybe I'll pass out again and hope for this all to be over with and soon. My stomach is pretty bruised. My belly button looks the worst, and I would post pictures but even I think it's too much. ...Actually I can't get anyone to hold the camera for me, lol. It's like I can feel where my gall bladder once was. My insides feel bruised and sore. I wish I could have had my gall stones, but apparently due to tissue diseases they have to destroy the things that come out of your body. For now, I guess I could use the rest for the intensity that will be the store when I return and so that my organs don't hurt so much. And later, I will read these past posts and laugh at myself, then promptly delete them to retain what little of my dignity I will have left. G'night guys.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
My belly button has a new hole!
I am in a moment of lucidity, so I will take this brief moment to say hi. I just took some of my painkillers and I'm waiting for them to put me back in a state of "zombie-ness." This morning I took the bandages off and stared in awe of the gaping pink and purple colored areas on my belly. My stomach is actually more tender now that I have the bandages off. I think it's because the bandages provided stability and there's nothing there keeping the spots in place, ya know? I finished the book that Shannon gave me and it was really good. I think most of it could have also been because I was stoned out of my mind, as my sister said. I really do not like laying in bed cooped up. Most of the day was spent with me spacing out in front of the TV, occasionally coming back to reality because my painkillers wore off and I needed to retake them. Mom's been super nice to me and I hate feeling like I'm burdening everyone. Before Steph left today, I think I freaked her out because I sort of randomly lifted up my shirt to show off my war wounds. I've been doing it alot, lol. My neck and shoulders are killing me and it hurts when I swallow. The muscles in my neck and throat are sore. It hurts to breathe. Let me tell you, this is not fun. Kendora does not want surgery ever again...EVER. Last night, I couldn't sleep and kept drifting off into these weird daydream type things. It was disturbing, maybe I'm having a bad trip from these pain killers. Mom came in at one point and scared the crap out of me last night, but she didn't do it on purpose. Of course, if you are going to wear a white t-shirt and limp silently into your child's room...please announce yourself in the doorway, instead of sneaking up on them. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I think I'm rambling and to avoid anything embarrassing, I am going to go ahead and stop typing. For fear of saying something weird or something... I'm going to hopefully pass out now, g'night guys!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow...
As I checked in yesterday, it was funny and I did my best to keep myself from being nervous. Of course when someone is asking if you have a living will and stuff, it doesn't really help. The lady asked my religious preference and my mom said, "NO" which sort of pissed me off and I told the lady Baptist, since I really liked the church that Steph had taken me to. All the pretty singing and stuff...but church isn't really my thing, I just don't fit in well and prior experiences have made me feel like they are all a bunch of hypocrites. BUT for the record, I know not all churches are like that, so I just want everyone to know that I respect the people who go to church, it's just not for me. Sorry, the painkillers make me ramble. So yesterday, they did my surgery at 3:15pm instead of freaking 11:30am. Then at one point, I had to go to the bathroom and I had already been stripped, wearing a crappy gown, white stockings, blue thingies on my legs that had tubes, and so I'm running across the nurse's station practically naked with these tubes flopping around my legs. It was embarrassing, because coming out the bathroom, these two nurses just looked at me like I was stupid. Finally they get my IV hooked up and I'm sooooo tired and sleepy and bored at this point, that I didn't even need the stupid anesthesiologist. Mom and Steph came in and kept making fun of me saying embarrassing things to make my heart rate go up, when the fruity guy came in to explain to me about my pain killers and what they were going to give me pre-surgery. So he's telling me that I'm not going to remember any of it and blah blah blah, when he suddenly looks at me all annoyed and goes, "You're not following me, let's try that again." I looked at him when he finished and said, "Thanks, I did get it the first time, I'm bored and ready to get this sh** over with." I would have continued, but Steph shot me a warning look and I laid my head back down, praying for this whole thing to be over with. Finally, some one comes to get me and the last thing I remember is breathing with a breathing mask on. When I wake up, there was this really nice nurse, and I wish I had gotten her name, and she was very sweet to me. She got me some gingerale and talked to me. This lady was so nice, she even gave me a hug and told me to feel better after she took me back to my room to get changed. I felt naseuous and my mom's driving didn't help. Right now, I'm honestly haing trouble typing because I am on some HEAVY painkillers...thank God for spell check. My stomach is hurting really bad and I have a sharp pain in my right side and right shoulder. Laughing makes it worse. So I just wanted to let you all know, that I am alive and well...but in a terrible amount of pain. What makes it worse is I can't laugh and we all know that I love jokes. 'Kay guys, I'm gonna lay back down and try to sleep. G'night guys!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Karate Kid II
Watching the Karate Kid II last night, I caught somethings that I had missed the first thousand times I've watched it. It could be due to the fact I actually understand some Japanese and things started to make more sense to me. For instance, I always thought it weird that Sato let his nephew tear up the Miyagi dojo and beat up Daniel. But listening to what he said in Japanese prior to the scene, a lot more made sense. Sato calls his nephew an idiot and says that no one is there, and when he sees Daniel, he has this look of realization come across his face. He then just sort of storms off, so now it all makes sense. Just thought I'd throw that in there. Work was fun today, I was greeter again and handed out stickers. I am magical after all, passing out the magic to children everywhere. Providing happiness to everyone, and this time people actually talked to me! Surgery is now two days away. I am fighting the urge to be nervous and avoiding panic because I don't want to make myself any sicker. I feel kind of like Daniel-san, only I am having an organ removed instead of fighting to the death for a Japanese girl against an angry-nephew-of-a-rich-Japanese-business-karate-man. No, I am preparing for a fight against my anesthesia and diseased organ. ...Then again, if I have a really good pain killer and anesthesia, I could probably go to Japan and fight zombies, in my own mind anyway. Well, I think for now, I am going to go to sleep and get some rest. G'night guys! I think I'll leave you guys with these funny pictures:

moar funny pictures

moar funny pictures

moar funny pictures

moar funny pictures
Saturday, November 24, 2007
I don't need no Santa.
Work provides me material and material provides me entertainment. I don't need no Santa to bring me joyful ideas and such. This little girl today came into the store with her sister and I greeted them asking if they had visited Santa. They answered affirmatively, so I asked if they had told the jolly fatman everything that they wanted. The older sister, about 8, looks at me and goes, "Uh no, I'm going to buy it myself." Shocking, so I high-fived her and made a comment about her being an independent woman and one of my co-workers says, "She don't need Santa." It was waaaaaaaay funnier in person, but I found it hilarious, none the less. I was concerned though because all day, I greeted people and was ignored by children and adults alike. People would look at me like I had spit on them and cursed, despite the fact I was quite jovial in my salutations. I figured it was the princess tiara I was wearing and the possible fact that I am Princess Awesome and they're not. Boo-yah. Leaving work was just as interesting because as I'm turning onto the road, there's a car lot nearby, I see that the car dealership has an entire row of cars with their car alarms going off. Now...I sit here and plan to go to sleep. My cramps from Gall are not getting any better, so I am going to sleep it all away. Tuesday I will have it all over with and I don't need Santa to take it away from me. Besides, I'm having trouble thinking clearly enough to come up with something more and clever to entertain you all. Therefore, I bid thee good night!
Friday, November 23, 2007
$2.32 to fax one page
Exactly. Damn mall employees ripping me off. $2 and something to freaking fax something! Why does it cost so much? Whenever I have faxed stuff for the store, it only costs like under a $1... GRAH!!! Work was fun though...insane crazy people buying stuff. It's really fun because there's all these soccer mom's whacked out on StarBucks, trailing a stroller and 5.4 kids behind them, frappucino in hand. Then everyone in the mall forgets what yesterday was and it's just amazing to be quickly reaffirmed as to how people have short-term memory. One day they're pretending to be thankful, surrounded by family and the next day they're trying to greedily buy everything in sight. At one point, I was like an auctioneer and was selling the last five Princess Tea Cart Sets. It was awesome, because I kept yelling out the bargain price of only $19.99 and mentioning the beautiful gold trim on the pink, and forcing people to look at the two happy little girls on the back of the box. Fun. Then this one lady came in and refused to believe I was truly so cheery and made a comment about how I wouldn't be if I had to live her life. I hit her with the fact I had to have surgery, it was sweet. I think I added, "And I'm dying" on top of it. I have a craptacular stressing life, but I find humor in it. My ability to find humor in my darkest of times, is what has kept me semi-sane and alive. Sad thing is, I really do mean it when I greet people and tell them 'hello.' Some people truly appreciate it. After work, I had to go to the freaking hospital to get some pre-lab tests and stuff done. While the nurse was trying to draw blood, she freaking kept poking around in my arm trying to get the vein, despite the fact I told her it would be better to take it from my 20 times. My left arm is hurting, and my right hand is hurting...With all the poking she did, you'd think I could have filled plenty of vials. Then I had to get a physical a little later. Damned doctors with their fancy white lab coats. Hmm...I'm sleeeeeeeeeeeeepy. I wonder why we can't do all of this at once...oh wait, they need that $25 co-pay. I hope they don't steal any of my damn organs while they're taking out Gall. I named him was that or Joe (as in G.I. Joe since the gall bladder is always army greem in pictures) and yes it is a boy. That's why I have so much misery in me. I am fairly certain that men have girl gall bladders, it just makes so much more sense. Concerning the surgery, I feel a bit less nervous about it than before. Unfortunately, I am very concerned with the fact that I have to miss work, and miss out on money to pay bills and put gas in my car. I hope I can recover fast, say in three days so that I can go back and not miss too many days. Damn the almighty American Dollar. Phew, I'm exhausted...all that poking in my arm and dealing with children and their parents has finally caught up with me. I think I'm going to pass out for a while to regain strength. G'night guys!
Oh and if anyone reeeeeeeally needs to or suddenly gets the urge to look something up online, please use the nifty google search box I inserted at the top or bottom of the page. Granted, there's no pressure to do so, it just makes google even cooler because everything comes up with a black background and red letters, lol. It's entertaining to me...humor me. Okay I'm off to sleep.
Oh and if anyone reeeeeeeally needs to or suddenly gets the urge to look something up online, please use the nifty google search box I inserted at the top or bottom of the page. Granted, there's no pressure to do so, it just makes google even cooler because everything comes up with a black background and red letters, lol. It's entertaining to me...humor me. Okay I'm off to sleep.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Turkey Day!
So today is the day we celebrate our brutality and abuse of the natives of this wonderful land we now own, known as America! Yay for our inconsiderate ancestors! I do have some Indian blood in me, so it's totally okay, I can say these things, lol. Yes, we hack a giant turkey into pieces for our kin to feast upon, reminiscent of our ancestors during the dark ages where they ate from giant turkey legs and roasted boar. Now, we have giant mutant turkey legs (like at Disney) and 1/4 of a boar to feast upon! I also like the fact that instead of knights impaling each other on lances, we watch grown men in tights tackling each other in a large grass field. Nice evolution, huh? I've never really cared much for Thanksgiving, only because I was always concerned about the Indians and the fact that they now own casinos and live on little plots of land that we so "generously" gave to them. It depresses me more than makes me thankful. But it could always be worse, right? Things happen for a reason, but sometimes I wonder if certain things will ever make sense? Aha, there it is, that's why I'm thankful. This holiday is truly to make us be thankful in our lives because things could always be worse and foreign invaders could come to our land, we show them how to do things, and then they screw us over... Oh wait, that has happened to us in this era so far, hasn't it? Well, regardless, I'm thankful that we have yet to truly experience what the American Indians did. Thanks corporate America! On a brighter note, I am coming along fine with ideas for my sequel, and for the first book. There are some things I can add to put more depth into my novel and to make it a bit longer. Today, I should be able to pass it off to my cousin. I vowed to not edit my novel yet until I have all the people I need to read it. That way, I don't regret what I add, and...well ya know. Steph said she would splurge on me and buy me a little flip notepad so I don't have to embarrassingly scribble on napkins and what not. Personally, I think it adds depth, but hey if she wants to spend $.50 on me, yay! Oh and since I love everyone and all, here's a wonderful picture from one of my favorite sites. Happy Turkey Day guys!

moar funny pictures

moar funny pictures
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
So today has been sort of a long day, but I've got my ideas about what to make my next book about. Still working on some of the details, but ya know how that goes. The only thing that I am worrying about now is how to go about actually getting my book published. I don't know how or if I should get a literary agent or not. far the three people that I have let read it have really enjoyed it. I still have about three more to let read it, before I finally go ahead and make my final edits and changes, then it's off to the copyright office. Hmmm...good thing I'm coming up with all this because I will have to be doing something to occupy myself while I am recovering. I thought about writing a short story about my gall bladder to keep my mind sharp...hell maybe I will. Right now I am watching one of my guilty pleasure TV shows. So for now, here's my story full of gall, lol.
In between your pancreas and liver, I lurk. Sitting quietly, green in color, and full of bile. When you become ill, it's thanks to me, but more importantly it's a thrill to me to torture you after you eat. Your stomach feels like it's going to explode and you desperately wish for someone to knock you out. The important thing is to remember I am there, waiting patiently to torment you with painful cramps. Not only do I house your poisons and toxins, but I can also create little spurs of pain. Stones that gather and grow inside of me, the stones creating more discomfort for you to deal with. All in all, here I sit, patiently waiting for "it."
So there it is. My crazy little story, it seemed right. I'm fairly certain that's what my organ thinks as it lingers in my abdomen, torturing me. Thinking about the surgery is making me more nervous because what if I have a nightmare about zombies? Like what if I move on the table because I am kicking ass in my dream? Or if I'm running around from the zombies saving oprhans? Then, if I wake up, what if I forget where I am?! What if I wake up on the operating table?! ...Okay, what if zombie's attack while I'm in surgery? Then I could be screwed, let's hope the apocalypse doesn't happen while I'm having organs removed. I think I need to start incorporating little doodles of mine here as well. Well kids, that's it for now. I'm going to try to come up with a couple more ideas for my book before I watch my show. ...Ya know, I really need to thank Shannon and everyone else for heckling me about writing a story. It's going pretty well, and everyone has told me I would do it one day. So thanks for heckling me Shannon! If you and everyone else hadn't been shoving comments into my gall bladder and boosting my ego, then I would have never delusioned myself into writing a story...and it's actually working. G'night guys!
In between your pancreas and liver, I lurk. Sitting quietly, green in color, and full of bile. When you become ill, it's thanks to me, but more importantly it's a thrill to me to torture you after you eat. Your stomach feels like it's going to explode and you desperately wish for someone to knock you out. The important thing is to remember I am there, waiting patiently to torment you with painful cramps. Not only do I house your poisons and toxins, but I can also create little spurs of pain. Stones that gather and grow inside of me, the stones creating more discomfort for you to deal with. All in all, here I sit, patiently waiting for "it."
So there it is. My crazy little story, it seemed right. I'm fairly certain that's what my organ thinks as it lingers in my abdomen, torturing me. Thinking about the surgery is making me more nervous because what if I have a nightmare about zombies? Like what if I move on the table because I am kicking ass in my dream? Or if I'm running around from the zombies saving oprhans? Then, if I wake up, what if I forget where I am?! What if I wake up on the operating table?! ...Okay, what if zombie's attack while I'm in surgery? Then I could be screwed, let's hope the apocalypse doesn't happen while I'm having organs removed. I think I need to start incorporating little doodles of mine here as well. Well kids, that's it for now. I'm going to try to come up with a couple more ideas for my book before I watch my show. ...Ya know, I really need to thank Shannon and everyone else for heckling me about writing a story. It's going pretty well, and everyone has told me I would do it one day. So thanks for heckling me Shannon! If you and everyone else hadn't been shoving comments into my gall bladder and boosting my ego, then I would have never delusioned myself into writing a story...and it's actually working. G'night guys!
Monday, November 19, 2007
I swear I'll do it!!!
Today I went to see the surgeon man who will be operating on me and he said the soonest he could schedule me in would be next Tuesday. Fine. I got my cheesy Laroscopic Gallthingie-majiggie with the people smiling happily about having their organs taken out, when he was all like, "'Kay, just rest until then." I said huh and before he could continue to tell me that I would have to be off until my surgery, I snapped and threatened to cut my gall bladder out my own damn self with a pen knife. So I get to go back to work until then! Yay! Happy story, I'm still cramping and feeling sort of weird, but as long as I can occupy myself, it's all good. So yea... Later!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
So my sister read my story, and apparently she loved it. My mom is reading it as well and she really thinks it's good. I feel good about it, but I fear it is too short seeing as how my sister read it in like 5-6 hours. After checking this one website, it said that a novel needs to be 70,000 words long or more. I was like, "Dammit it all!" Granted I knew that my book was actually a novella being at 35,649 including the chapter and chapter titles. So...yay! I guess I could add more to it, but I'm not entirely sure how, my mom says it's all ready good at explaining everything so far and my sister is all like, "Is there more? I wanna read the second one!" All of this is actually a good thing since my mom doesn't usually care for such books and my sister hates reading. Even Steph liked it and she simply abhors reading. The next persons I'm going to pass it off to will be my father and my cousin. I'm hoping they'll be able to give me some insight. And if you can't tell, my spirits are a little more than lifted after having such ego strokes. My stomach isn't feeling much better though. It's the damnedest thing, but I swear that I can actually feel my gall bladder sitting there next to my liver and above my pancreas. Just sitting there, waiting for the inevitable. It's quietly contemplating it's revenge on me before I can get it removed from my chubby little body. That bastard. Lol, sorry it's just weird. And I haven't had an appetite for about a week now. I'm hoping I'm at least losing some weight, lol. But I just thought I'd update everyone and hopefully provide them humor by reading my rants. Hope everyone is well and I am devoutly praying that this book thing works out for me. G'night guys.
Friday, November 16, 2007
I hate my life...officially.
So...Guess what? I got gall stones! Whee! I get to have surgery, and get my entire gall bladder ripped from my abdomen. Fun. I'm now completely, utterly, and insanely depressed. BUT...everyone is all like, "Oh it's a simple surgery! Nothing to worry about! blah blah blah." First of all, great that you can say such things being that it not you who will be having your innards sucked out through a straw. Secondly, I've never had major surgery except when my wisdom teeth were pulled out, so I am a little wary of it. Thirdly, people die everyday on operating tables for even the most easiest and routine surgery. Fourth and foremost, er forelast?, I will be out of work! I can't work, I have to stay in bed and I miss out on working. Now then, can anyone understand at all why I am more than a little upset at my current predicament? Steph tried cheering me up...she said that I could at least write another story or a possible sequel. Maybe even a series. Everything is a trilogy or series nowadays, ya know? Serials are okay, but not if they get to be too much. I feel like my life is a weekly serial. There are cliffhangers and suspense...more dark comedy than anything, but hey, everyone likes morbidness despite their reluctance to admit it. I can most surely find humor in my current situation, but for once in my life, it bothers me to do so. I guess I'm wanting the pity card for a bit, because I'm never on the receiving end of it... Hell, who cares? I'm going to have an organ removed, a piece of me that has been there since birth (I think). In a way it's almost as if part of my spirit is being taken away... 'Kay, I tried making it sound semi-romantic, but I'm not feeling it. More importantly to me than anything though is...Can I keep it in a jar? Stones and all? Later guys.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Oh noes!
Again...I had to call into work again! I hate calling into work because believe me, I would much rather be working and filling my time with something to occupy myself with. I'm so pissed off about it because tomorrow morning (6:00am to be exact) I will be going and getting some more tests done and seeing a specialist. I think doctors who are "specialists" are nothing more than doctor's who went to school for an extra month! I hate going to the hospital or doctors office because no matter how poor you tell them they are, you still get bills for freak hundreds to thousands of dollars! It's bull crap and I feel like they won't find anything wrong with me like the past two times I went into the hospital. I think it's all a waste of time and I hate it. I am totally serious when I tell my mom to just take me out back and shoot me before taking me to incur more bills. ...>__< ! <~~Angry face. The good news is, I've finally finished my book and printed out a copy of it. I'm going to let several people read it and then take any of their comments into consideration and make appropriate changes before sending it off to be copyrighted. I might do that before I actually let someone else read it. Honestly, I think I've got something with my story and I'm trying to keep it as closely guarded as possible, but I'm sooooo excited about it. At least being cooped up in bed has had it's advantages. I just hope I feel better soon, and that I figure out how to go about getting my book noticed by a publisher. For now anyways, I'm going to pass out and get some sleep. Maybe sleeping more will help me get rid of whatever it is that's making me sick (I still think it's stress). G'night guys!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Attack of the gall bladder
So like, there's apparently something wrong my gall bladder or the general area of my upper abdomen. Let me just say that it sucks major ass. My stomach is killing me, I'm tired, and I haven't had an appetite in forever. The worst part is being unable to go to work, I hate staying at home doing nothing! Tonight I kept myself busy cooking my fried rice and dinner for everyone else. I also finished my story and just have to go back and edit it myself, then to let the small handful of people I told about it, read it and edit it for me. At least that's something I can do, because I didn't even want to be off work tomorrow. Unfortunately, I gave in and listened to my doctor and am trying the whole rest thing. Bleh, it just all sucks. Right now Resident Evil Apocalypse is on, so I will now enjoy a little zombie action and pray that I don't turn into one. Stomach cramps and pain seem to always lead up to the person turning... I've checked myself and I don't seem to have any bite marks or anything...Hmm. Who knows? For now, I just need to chill out and relax. G'night guys!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Ev'rbody look at me, me...
Duuuude. I am so freaking exhausted. Ever since returning home from FL I've been getting super ill. Last night, I had to go to the ER because I was throwing up so violently. I was delirious with pain and kept moaning. And even in the throes of pain, I was wondering if that was what it felt like to turn into a zombie. The damn doctor said it was only gas and abdominal pain, but yet he wants me to get my gall bladder checked. Screw that, I was begging my mom to load a gun and shoot me before dragging me to the ER because they never freaking just tell me what I have and want me to run all over God's creation and give them more money. The bastards. I'm just going to take a couple of my mom's pain killers next time instead of going to the hospital, because that's all they did this time. GOD I HATE THE HOSPITAL! I'm still really tired, but to feel productive, I managed to hook up my laptop to my sister's computer so that I now have the Internet in the privacy of my own room. So that means expect more updates and more of my rambling. For now though...I'm going to drink some bullion beef and lay back down. I have to go to the doctor tomorrow, she says I have ulcers, and hopefully figure out what the hell's wrong with me. G'night guys!
P.S. Today's title is from some song lyrics and seemed appropriate as me being in the ER waiting room and moaning and tossing cookies into a garbage bag, everyone was indeed looking at me. And let me just say, I was going to kill the three little boys running around and screaming for five hours straight. Parents, please control your hoodlums when people are dying in the ER waiting room, looking their absolute worse. It's bad enough we have to be in public super sick, we don't need your freaking kids screaming and running around. Okay thanks bye!
P.S. Today's title is from some song lyrics and seemed appropriate as me being in the ER waiting room and moaning and tossing cookies into a garbage bag, everyone was indeed looking at me. And let me just say, I was going to kill the three little boys running around and screaming for five hours straight. Parents, please control your hoodlums when people are dying in the ER waiting room, looking their absolute worse. It's bad enough we have to be in public super sick, we don't need your freaking kids screaming and running around. Okay thanks bye!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Queen of the Store Room
So I spent all day straightening, rearranging, and opening boxes in the stock room. It was awesome, until I got sick. I feel so horrible right now, I need to lay down. I hardly have time to write in my blog because usually I get home so late that my sister won't let me use her computer. I need to get my wireless hooked up so that I can type in my room and not have to bother my sister. We still get "intelligent" guests every evening ranging from the ones who ask if the item that is reduced off the already reduced price is really the reduced price to guests who tell you that will only ask you one more question but instead ask twelve thousand other ones instead. It's like I don't even know what. I'm just happy I was in the back today. We have so much crap to sell and not enough room to sell it all. Today I went back to the food court and to the same place where "Crotch Girl" was working and she was there again today. Instead of the usual crotch itching. she added a little bit of eye digging as well. Unfortunately, this time I ordered food. Yes people...I love them so. Free entertainment. And their children! Who doesn't love hearing a child scream for 3 hours straight? You can hear them outside the store and in the store next door, and then finally they come in and grace us with their presence. God bless 'em all. The highlight of my day was actually holding one of my co-workers baby! It was awesome. She was a teeny tiny baby. Babies make life meaningful because they are daily reminds of the gift of life. Bleh, I need some sleep. 'Kay g'night guys!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Fish Filet
So being at McDonald's today was pretty creepy. Me and Steph were eating our Fish sandwich's and this guy walked by us, sort of hesitatingly. Then he comes over to us and asks if we're sisters. Steph tells him no, that we're just friends. He makes a comment about us having a good friendship or something, then asks for our names. I lied and said my name was Leigh and Steph, God bless her, gave her real name. Charles, that was this creepy guy's name, proceeded to babble on about something and suddenly he has his cell phone shoved in my face. I'm like, WTF? So I play stupid and tell him we don't own phones, and he asks about a land line, and I tell him no because we live with five other people. He then asks if they're guys, and I say that there are two guys, our boyfriends, and he eventually got the hint and left us alone. Moral of the story is do not eat at McDonald's on Preston Highway in Louisville, Kentucky. A creepy guy with horrible English named Charles will talk to you. Anyway, in other news, my novel is coming along well. I've got about 10 chapters in so far and inspiration is screaming in my brain. So let's all hope for the best. Apparently only one person has voted on my poll, and I wish I knew who it was, but anyways. Not much has happened lately except me brainstorming and trying to make my worthless little dreams reality. I now need to come back to reality though because my dog has decided to piss my mom off. Later guys.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Ah the wonders of life...
The food court is a place teeming with diverse people. There's the creepy guy at the potato place, two of 'em actually. Then there's the girl who proceeded to scratch her crotch as I ordered my sweet tea, and then handed me the drink and, continuing to scratch, asked if I needed anything else. I was like, "Mmm, yes. For you to wash your hands before re-scooping me some clean ice and a fresh drink." Unfortunately, the event was too much for me and I was left in a stupor. At least I didn't order food. Walking to from the food court back to the store is fun too, because people stop you to still ask questions. It's like, could you wait for me to at least step one inch into the store before asking me questions? Everyone at the store thought that I wouldn't be writing anymore in my blog, but oh were they so very wrong. There's more fun stuff that happens at work than they'd think. I was happy I got to work with Karen and Coreen tonight, because they're so funny. Especially Karen, because she's as deadpan as me and we have some funny conversations. Yes...but now, I need to relax and watch some tv. I'm tired. I'm going to try and start actually writing my first chapter or so tonight or something. G'night guys!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Doin' mah j-o-b
I finally got to do stock again today! It was a glorious 9 to 5 day as well. One of my co-workers was super nice and bought a Zero costume for my dog (Jack Skellington's dog from Nightmare before Christmas), because she knew that I really wanted one to get him and my mom was all like, "No." I'll eventually tackle him down and take adorable pictures of him standing there miserably while looking eye bleedingly cute. I also did finally come up with a good idea and am currently outlining it. I want to research things for it, but I feel like that'll only complicate it. Besides, I don't know if anything will ever come of it, or if anyone would ever read it. I have to keep it simple enough, ya know? I've also got the damned "This is Halloween" song stuck in my head. It can't be helped. Eventually, sometime this week, I'll be going to UofL to register and figure out what's going on with my schooling. More than likely, I will stick to Humanities as my major and possibly minor in English if possible. I want to graduate as soon as possible, but I feel like I shouldn't rush it. Now, I feel more productive than I did before... Inspiration is drawn from the children crawling and climbing my mountain of plush. My crown does not deter them, therefore I must think of other things than the things I would like to say to their parents. Those thoughts become fanciful thoughts and I rarely think of the mall as a good fort during the zombie invasion. At the front of the store, I am constantly looking up at the balcony thinking about how it wouldn't be too hard to block off the stairs and escalator to keep the zombies from coming up, plus we got the food court up there for provisions. Yes I know, I am deranged, but hey, who isn't? Besides, it's all thanks to the creative environment of the mall that I am able to readily use my imagination to quickly find myself a happy place, lol. Hmm...the mention of provisions has reminded me that I now have an appetite again and therefore require nourishment. Specifically, meaty raviolis and meatballs. What? I'm hungry. 'Kay, have a good evening guys and I'll babble at you all later!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Baby steps.
So, I think I know what type of story I am going to write. I will try a children's novel first because I can totally do my own drawings! That was actually something on my "things-to-do-list-before-I-die" as an 8 year-old little girl. Today at work, I wore a princess crown and jovially greeted every person that came into the store...of course to no avail. I usually either scared them or annoyed them. After a while, I actually took pleasure in the fact I was annoying them because they seemed to buy more, lol. People just seriously lack a sense of humor nowadays. It's very sad. I wish I could remember that random clever saying by someone about laughter...oh well. I really wear the crown for the pure silly factor it gives. It gives me silliness +50, but brings my defense down -10. Truly, it is a wondrous accessory. I just hope that I'm doing as good as a job as I did before, if not better. I'm just happy that everyone still seems happy to have me back and that I'm either really good at hiding my deeply buried sorrow or I'm really not so sad anymore. It's weird. During my break, I decided to volunteer to be Sensei's assistant (for free of course) so I can keep up with my Japanese and break the spirits of her students. It'll be good practice for when I become a manager at Disney. Muwahahaha. But seriously, I love messing with people and think deep down I do enjoy interacting with the masses, because they remind me of how not to act, hehe just joking...sort of. I've been feeling so creative lately, and I think it's because I'm at work talking to people and watching at how they react to what we say or the gestures we make (not obscene ones!) towards them. Bleh, that is sounding sort of GHEY, but oh well. For now, I think I'm going to flow with my creative mood and maybe get something productive done. Who knows? Talk to you guys later! For now, enjoy this video. Finally, as my cousin said, something Bush says something I agree with.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
People are fun!
Just working back at Disney is making me feel more and home. It almost feels as if Florida never was, ya know? Tonight I felt like I was sort of important though. This little old lady got so excited when I told her I had worked at Disney! She got so happy because her granddaughter is going to do the program in January and she asked if she could have my phone number. I went ahead and gave it to her so I could answer any questions for her or her granddaughter. She even got her husband and brought him in to see me. Kevin thought it was funny and said I have this thing with older people. God, how I have missed his humor. I finally got my damned crown back too! Of course it's a tiara from the movie Enchanted, but I looked awesome rocking it out. I'll have to have Steph take some pics of me whilst I is working and then you can all behold the sad glory that is me. I've also been giving serious thought to maybe writing a couple of short stories or something and seeing if anyone would be interested in them. I would like to be the next Hunter S. Thompson! ...Only I am a girl and I would be sober for everything I do...unless being hyped up on Pixie Stix counts. And due to tonight's events, I am also seriously thinking about getting my own cards, lol. All righty then folks, I need to get to bed because I am tired. Plus, I have to work in the morning. Later guys!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Hell hath no fury like a Pizza Hut pizza mangling your insides...
My title says it all... Then again I think I might have a flu bug or something. I was up all night last night from like 1am until 5am this morning throwing up. I know, I know, too much information. BUT sucked and I just wanted to die. My doctor said she thinks that I have an ulcer. I was like, "Grrrrreat! Something else for me to worry about." Besides, I've always been fairly certain that I do in fact have an ulcer. I have too much stress not to. We went to Target to pick up some prescriptions for me and while we were waiting, I see the greatest thing ever! Jones Halloween soda on sale for $.66! 4 packs of little cans and other glorious Halloween stuff on sale. Unfortunately, my stomach churned as soon as I felt a glimmer of excitement, thus prompting me to quickly head for the nearest restroom. Now, I sit here getting ready to go pass out in my bed and hopefully be well enough to go to work tomorrow. I hated calling in tonight, but I don't think I could have made it. I've been tossing cookies all day...and I was pretty sure I tossed them all out between the hours of 1am-5am. Go figure. Bleh...I'm feeling nauseated again, therefore I will now go lay down and make the sounds a zombie makes when it's feeding or chasing people, only I'll be in pain and dying, lol. G'night guys.
P.S. Gas prices suck and $4 a gallon is totally GHEY.
P.S. Gas prices suck and $4 a gallon is totally GHEY.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Night of the dead pt.II
So on the way to pick up some prescriptions, I hear the DJ on the radio say that people can trick or treat until 8:30pm tonight and in some places it will end at 8pm. Okay, when the hell did we start putting a curfew on Halloween!? I remember my ass being out until the people were standing there in their jammies half asleep giving literally, handfuls of candy into my bag. What is this world coming to? But yea, I just needed to get that off my chest. So...back to watching Tila Tequila's Shot of Love or's insane. Later!
Night of the dead
YAY~! It's the eve of all spirits and ghouls! Demons and ghosts, zombies and children frolicking in costumes to hide among the goblins and monsters that creep in the night. At least that's what Halloween used to be. Now it's lame because people are sick. Kids are taken to Zoo's and theme parks across the country to avoid the pedophiles and general creepy neighbors that lurk in their 'hood. Then again, maybe people of this generation are more over protective of their kids than my parents were. After all, me and my motley crew were wandering around the neighborhood trying to get as much candy as we could, taking extra masks and such. Nowadays, people keep their kids on leashes and don't let them more than a foot away from them. It's kind of funny though, because any other time they let their children flee freely around stores and theme parks any other time. It's sort of...not so much ironic as a clear example of human stupidity. Masses feed into this idea of terribleness and horror and it's like we're building bunkers to protect us from the commies again. Does any of that make sense? Weeeeeell, anyway, Halloween is my favoritest day of the year! I love the creepiness that surrounds this day. In Japan, October is known as the "godless month." All the gods sort of go on a vacation and the mortals are left to fend for themselves. I think maybe I'm a little more darker than I think sometimes, because I just love the idea of Halloween. Unfortunately, I will not be going to any parties or anything because there aren't any here that I wanna go to. And of course it sucks that there's no big bag of candy in a bowl in our living room to pass out to children smiling happily and yelling "Trick or treat!" Actually, it really sucks because I can't mooch off the candy as the night wears on. Maybe I should go rent some creepy scary movies or something. I guess I could rewatch my zombie movies. Or I could just watch tv, because there's a horror movie on every channel...I even saw some on Oxygen and even Lifetime! Lifetime of all channels! Right now, we're (me and my sidekick, Steph) are burning cds for her Christmas Cantata...go figure. We're also watching a rerun on the history channel about Vampires. Steph likes vampires, but I argue that they're just zombies that aren't rotting and drink blood, instead of ripping and tearing flesh and sinew from the human body. Hehehe, sorry if I'm being morbid. Okay, I'm now going to humor myself with some good ol' blood and gore. Hope your Halloween night is mystical and fantastical. G'night guys!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Quiet time...
Okay, sorry for the delay in posting, and be forewarned this may be a lengthy one. Sorting your priorities and life is more difficult than one could ever imagine. I'm happy to have finally resumed work at the Disney Store. At least I can kind of stay busy. The family is okay and I'm here now, so there's nothing to do to change that. I just hope I can get rid of this Dark self that has seemed to have formed... Eh, it'll work out, because it always does for me! So anyways, about my trip home. It rained the whole way and I mostly read the map or the ever entertaining billboards along the roads. I tell you, one sign would tell about Asian spas, then the next was something or the other about an adult store with a strip club or one or the other, and finally after those two signs welcoming truckers was another sign telling about the love of Jesus! Then...right after Jesus/bible/religious/Christian signs, there are signs telling you to not have abortion, but not directly and in more of a "life starts at 18 weeks" stuff. It was like a chronological tale of debauchery. It all starts with the "friendly Asian staff" at a spa, and after being pampered, you go get yourself some entertainment in the form of books and if that's not enough, you slip over to the strip club to watch a 40 year-old lady working her money maker or all that's left of it. Finally, after your excursion to the Champagne Room, you find Jesus and stop your stripper lady friend named Roberta "Mercedes" Jimmybob from having an abortion. I just laid out the next plot for a feel-good love comedy. For an instant, I almost wanted to be a trucker just so I could ask other truckers if they ever stop at any of those places to take a shower. I think at one point I felt a burning sensation from just reading the damned signs. The best signs I saw were the ones here in the good ole state o' Kentucky! There was these black signs with big capital white letters and religious stuff on them, but the one that struck me the most was one that said "HELL IS HERE" or maybe it was "HELL HERE." But it was so odd because the first letter of HELL was in red. And right across this sign was a "pleasure center." It was just so weird, like the time I went to Gatlinburg and there was a giant cross next to another adult store place. Sex and religion...eternal enemies, lol. The gas stations were the best though. This one gas station smelled like bleach and cleaning chemicals. We stopped because I had to go to the bathroom and I walk in and notice a wrench just sitting on the sink and I walk over to the creepy foreign guy and asked about the bathroom. He snapped at me and said he wasn't done with it, then he sort of calmed down and realized he was being suspicious and said I could use it. I said "F**k that" and ran back out to the car to hold it until the next stop. It was very creepy. Then we stopped at a Flying J and let me tell you, that place made me want to be a trucker, only because they had a video game arcade and I was hurting for some video games, but some weird guy sort of followed us and we left. So needless to say it was a twisted adventure and one I would not like to do again...okay that's a lie, because it would have been more fun if it had been under different circumstances. But talking about it has made me feel a bit better. Work was weird last night though because they have radios now and I was wanting to say some of the stuff I did at LMA (Lights, Motors, Action). I'll have to train them in the use of nifty radio code. Because if we have a signal 25, then we can say so instead of saying, "omigod fire!" due to the fact that people are more apt to panic at the mention of a fire. So if it's flaming, it's a signal 25. OH! We could use that for flaming gay guys or something too, that would be funny. My legs are killing me from work and I guess I never really realized just how hard the job is on my knees. You would think with me running up and down bleachers I would be fine, but I'm using extra muscles or something...I dunno. Everyone at work was happy to have me back and I guess I'm happy to be around people who get my humor even if they really don't because they actually listen to me. So it's cool. I need to really keep up with this blog because you never know, maybe someone will read it and I will get noticed and famous and junk. I don't think I'm that good of a writer but people are always telling me so, to which I usually tell them, "hehehe, yea you're on crack!" Good times. I just hope I can adjust to having to deal with East Enders people ya know. I have to wonder about them, at least they leave their kids in the store and not attached to a stroller where there's thousands of strangers. In other words, I am still a baby sitter, dealing with the public and I do it all while making $.02 less than I did at WDW! Haha! Well, I'm sure that I've rambled enough for today, but I'm sure I'll have something humorous for you all again, and very soon. After all, as long as there are people/guests/general public/masses, I will be entertained. ...And to tell you the truth, I do feel more secure in the mall, because I have more access to weapons in case zombies attack. 'Kay, later guys!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
As for luck...
Let's just say that if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all. Yesterday I called and told the manager of guest relations at Animal Kingdom I couldn't set up an appointment with him because I had to come home and maybe I could reapply in the future. Then some managers from merchandise called me, twice, and I had to explain to them why I'm not applying and that I'll apply again some other time. Now, I have to wait until Friday to talk to the manager in operations and tell them the same thing. How unlucky is that? Any other time I'm scrounging to try and move up and no one looks twice at me. I tried taking a hot shower but I still feel blah. It's also still raining and miserable here in KY, whereas I could have stayed in sunny and hot FL...maybe I'm just stupid and unlucky. I'm exhausted mentally and I'm trying my best to readjust to being at home. I thought if I gave myself a week before I threw myself back into work that I'd eventually readjust, but I'm not adjusting as well as I thought. This morning, one of the girls I worked with called me and I didn't answer. I don't know why, but I just didn't feel like talking to her. I honestly haven't felt like talking to anyone since I got home. Maybe all of this is due to cabin fever... I haven't left the house since I got home! I need to get out or something...oh wait I did leave twice to go to the doctor's office with my sister and again to rent some movies for her and myself. Oh well, maybe I'll go take my dog to get groomed or something later. I just need to get out of the house for a while. Eventually, I will tell you guys a funny story about the trip home, but for now I just need to occupy myself with something constructive...or at this point, destructive. Later guys!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Unfortunately, still alive...
Let me just say that my sudden excursion home was not the least bit fun. I had to read horrible signs enticing Truckers to go and get an Asian massage or get a hot meal and shower at a Strip Club or adult toy store. A lot has happened. I didn't get fired or anything, but I needed to come home and help take care of my family because they need me. Steph left too because she's needed at home as well. I really miss Florida. It's kinda weird, but yea, I miss it so terribly right now. I think it's because I didn't have time to mentally prepare myself to come back here. My animals were happy to see me when I came in and my mom and sister were too. My dog hasn't left my side hardly at all. I got my job back at The Disney Store, so that's good. I did have interviews for the Professional Internships, but I'm not going anywhere now. I'll finish school before I go back to FL. I am going to go back, because I do want a career with the Walt Disney Company. Unfortunately, I have to get some stuff here at home in check before I make the move permanent. Sorry for such a dreary post, but I'm actually having a hard time making fun of anything. I'll try to be a little more positive in my next post...but now I just don't feel it, ya know? But I just wanted to clear up the fact that I have not been fired or anything like that. I left of my own will and the manager actually tried getting me to stay... ARGH! I'm going to try and find something to occupy myself with for a while so I can stop thinking. Talk to you later guys.
Monday, October 15, 2007
holy moly batman!
Hey guys, not much happened today. Actually that's a lie and for those of you who have my number, please call me so I can rely the funniest story ever if I don't call you first. Let's just say only 5 people besides me know. I'm afraid if I post here then it could get back to someone at work and I really like working where I do. Work was work today. No little boys peeing in the bushes, although we did find a turtle! It was a baby turtle, the size of a half-dollar. We named him Speedy. It was cool. They said that there was a bigger turtle on Camera Alley (the street that goes in front of the stands) and they had to put him back in the pond backstage. We have a lot of interesting wildlife here in FL. Nature is literally on the back doorstep. It's fun though because you get to see lots of weird things and animals scurrying about. My manager also put the baby turtle back near the pond. Oh yea, when I was merge today we had some guests get in the queue like an hour early. One lady started complaining and it was 3:30pm, she asked when the show started and Inner Kendora came out. I said, "Well ma'am, the show starts at 4:30 We tell you guys to come back around 4 because we usually don't start seating until about 4. Unfortunately, most people get a little over zealous and come here early. Thanks guys." And then I walked off after talking to her. I swear some people... And then, I was trying to talk to 2 little girls and ask how they're day was and stuff, and mom just glares at me and says, "They can't think very well with the sun in their eyes." Let me tell you, Inner Kendora said, "Ma'am I hope that your daughters are not the next Ms. South Carolina. Such as." Again, I could only smile and say 'okay' and walk away. It's my thing now to just walk away. It keeps me from saying anything too bad. I've noticed that my inner self is becoming more and more prevalent in my personality...maybe it's always been there but I was able to have it in public due to working with cool people. I just need to keep it in check so I don't get in trouble. Have I told you guys that I am now collecting those damned Coke caps? You know the ones where if you get so many you can get something for drinking Coke? We have so many bottles after each show and Disney is partnered with Coke, so I can get lots of caps. Unfortunately, my manager and another co-worker are also collecting the caps, so it's like a race. I've got a few now, but I'm still deliberating on whether or not to do it. I need to check and see what they're actually offering. I'm also thinking about going to Fantasmic! every night to collect the damned caps. Yup...that's about it. I just got out of the shower a little while ago and I still need to blow dry my hair and get in bed to do it all over again tomorrow. So I will leave you all with a good night. G'night guys!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Little boys peeing in bushes, strikes again!
Yet again, as I was covered queue, I had a guest that needed to go to the bathroom as soon as I had my gates open. I apologized and told her that they needed to be open to let Herbie the Lovebug drive through, and she informed me that her little boy needed to go to the bathroom. I apologized again and told her she could go up the stairs and across the mezzanine, which would have taken 2 seconds, and she got angry and started to walk off. As she was walking with her child she stopped, turned and looked at me, then proceeded to unzip her son's pants so he could piss in the damn bushes across from our break room. She stared at me the whole time, and yet again a freaking Backlot Tour Tram was going by as he was whizzing in the foliage. Great parenting skills there lady. And why is it that children hold their crotch when they have to go pee? I swear even little girls do it. It's not like it's holding it back. When guests come up to me, nine times out of ten I can tell if they need a restroom...granted some little boys just kind of cling to that area for some reason apparently unknown even to the men I work with. Honestly, I think it's a guy thing and they're too embarrassed to admit it. Our shows have been pretty busy lately, with over 4,000 people and a couple of idiots out of 15-20 people working the show. Paige and Julie came to my show and I put them in VIP. After the show they talked to me and Paige got to witness me telling the guests 'no' and stuff. She said it was perfect for me, lol. I really do have to tell people 'no' and to not do stuff all the time. But it's cool because I get to yell at them, because safety before courtesy! After work, I ended up going to Epcot to meet Steph so we could get some groceries. Let me tell you...WAL-MART is HELL. It's worse than the ones back home. If you think there's too many foreign people in your Wal-Mart, bring yourself to Kissimmee's Wal-Mart and you will never look at your Wally World the same again. The freaking place never has freaking vegetable soup or anything like that. ...Honestly, I am pretty tired and probably need to get in bed, because I have to work tomorrow. I'll babble at all of you later. G'night!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Truly Truly Truly Outrageous!
Last night we went to Epcot, and Ray got us some VIP passes for Test Track. It's cool because she didn't realize the guy was hitting on her and he gave it to her and told her to call him and stuff. Truly funny. Oh, by the way, today's title comes from lyrics from Jem's theme song, she is truly outrageous. So, I have passes to get me and Steph and Ray into this top secret VIP lounge. We get free beverages and's really cool. And it all happened because I sat in a Pontiac and decided I wanted one- jumped out of the car and noticed a sign telling me that I could register for the car and I DID! I hope I win it, it would be awesome. The drawing isn't until January 15th and I'm not that lucky. I may be lucky, but not that least not when it comes to money and stuff. I think my face is sun burned from today... I got to wear my clip-on sunglasses that I got from Property Control for like $.27. One of the guys I work with said that they definitely gave me an air of authority, it was sweet. Let's see...what else. I'm still freaking Christmas shopping and getting stuff for my family. I am considering picking up extra hours because I think I want to buy an Xbox360 or I'm thinking about just trying to get some extra moola to pay off one of my credit cards so that I only have 1 left. Decisions decisions. There's some laundry in the dryers that I can't forget about... It's been a pretty full couple of days. Nothing terribly funny or anything worth writing about has happened lately. Every person I go by I sometimes go, "Hey. How's it going?" I've been in a funny mood like that lately. Like just randomly going up to people and talking to them. I'm just like, "Hey, what's up? Having fun? Awesome." and then walking off. It's fun. Fun mainly because people think that I'm just being friendly when in fact I am being a smart ass. I'll need someone to record it sometime, it's pretty funny. It keeps me entertained. Right now, I am really tired, but at the same time, have all this insane energy! It's cool though. I applied for the Professional Internship here...I really hope I get it. I think that I would make an excellent manager and I'm never sure about anything that concerns me. Ugh, I think I am going to go ahead and try to find some extra hours to work. I might do wristbands which means that I'll put wristbands on people for Extra Magic Hours. Yea...lame I know, but hey it's extra money ya know! Eventually, I'll find out about being trained at the Backlot Water Tank, but now I'm worried that I won't be trained there. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but I keep mentioning it to the important people. I'm sure it'll all work out. If it's one thing I've learned so far in my life, it's that everything always works out no matter what happens. 'Kay, enough of the cheesy crap, I'm going to search up some extra working hours! Yay! G'night guys!
Friday, October 12, 2007
OMG I almost forgot!!!
I cannot believe I forgot this story!!! It happened the same time as my other adventures in the pargo and such. And I don't think I've already told you all about it. So, for your enjoyment and pleasure, I bring to you...The Red Ranger Who Dubbed Me the Purple Ranger. Please note that this is a true story:
Standing in the current of people pushing past me to make it to the high octane adventure awaiting them, I hear my voice being called. Lunging forward into the crowd, I ignored the voice, hoping to make it to the watering hole. Nearing the small hut which really isn't a watering hole, but more of a closet with a water cooler in it, I hear the voice become more urgent. Becoming frustrated, I turn towards the source and scream, "WHAT!?" The lanky boy known as 'Special Ed' to the stupid people we work with, stood there awkwardly waving me towards him. Sulking towards him I begin to inquire, rather agitatedly what it was he so desperately needed. Just as the words being to leave my mouth, a small child in a bright red t-shirt catches my eye and prompts me to say, "Oh my God, there's a child in the stroller..." As my co-worker hurries off to keep the savages from parking their death on wheels in the right spot, I kneel down in front of the strangely calm child. He sat in the bright blue stroller, his stuffed fat rat laying limply beside him. The child didn't seem frightened, merely confused. I say to him, "Hey there little guy. What's your name?" He answers by mumbling an unintelligible response. I frown and ask again, getting the same response. I then dub him "Little Guy." He tells me about how he's going as the Red Ranger. I ask which one and he responds, "The-the R-red One...?" I then ask if he means the Red one from various Power Ranger Shows and he answers more affirmatively, "The red one!" Looking to my left, I notice two adults standing nearby. "You his parents?" "Oh no no. We just noticed him and didn't want to leave him alone. We haven't talked to him..." So I look back at the child and then back to the man and woman, "'Kay thanks. I got it from here." "Naw it's okay. We're waiting for our family." Ignoring them, I turn back to the child who is still very calm. I ask him about his stuffed rat and make comments about how the rat must really like to eat. The child smiles and nods. It then occurs to me that I need to do something... The first thing I could think of was, "Hey you wanna help me park strollers? Would that be fun?" Energetically, he nods in excitement. I tell him to put his hands up and sit back so that I could undo his belt and I tell him to pick Emile up, which he promptly does. He sits there a moment as if unsure what to do with his freedom. I then ask him which Ranger I can be since we'll be doing such an important job. He then tells me that I can be the "p-pu..mmmm...Purple Ranger!" I tell him to hang on to his rat and to hold my hand, and we begin to walk off when I notice this large fat man wearing a very bright orange Tennessee shirt with a large T on it. Being blinded by his fat I turn away and notice this lady looking rather agitated. She yells for the child to hurry and I ask the child if they are his parents, to which he nodded. The parents yank the child by the hand and hurry into the show. I walk back over and make sure to memorize the M*R*HY and CA*P*ELL families from Tennessee.
So yea, the freaking losers forgot their kid! There were only three kids in the party and they forgot the smallest one. I was so mad. The kid didn't even look like his dad! Dad was like Santa on crack rehab but had a backslide and now dabbles in donuts too. Dad's hair was black and the kid's was blond (and so is mommy), so obviously mommy was cheating...then again she probably has to because daddy is so fat. Like the dude was obscenely fat, and yet the mom was actually attractive and thin. I don't think the guy has even seen his wedding tackle since he was a kid. That's how fat this bastard was. It makes me so mad that they didn't even seem worried about him and I don't care that they didn't thank me for watching him, but oh my God. So, to all of you parents, don't forget your kid or I will be super pissed at you and try to embarrass you on the Internet. Good night and don't piss me off.
Standing in the current of people pushing past me to make it to the high octane adventure awaiting them, I hear my voice being called. Lunging forward into the crowd, I ignored the voice, hoping to make it to the watering hole. Nearing the small hut which really isn't a watering hole, but more of a closet with a water cooler in it, I hear the voice become more urgent. Becoming frustrated, I turn towards the source and scream, "WHAT!?" The lanky boy known as 'Special Ed' to the stupid people we work with, stood there awkwardly waving me towards him. Sulking towards him I begin to inquire, rather agitatedly what it was he so desperately needed. Just as the words being to leave my mouth, a small child in a bright red t-shirt catches my eye and prompts me to say, "Oh my God, there's a child in the stroller..." As my co-worker hurries off to keep the savages from parking their death on wheels in the right spot, I kneel down in front of the strangely calm child. He sat in the bright blue stroller, his stuffed fat rat laying limply beside him. The child didn't seem frightened, merely confused. I say to him, "Hey there little guy. What's your name?" He answers by mumbling an unintelligible response. I frown and ask again, getting the same response. I then dub him "Little Guy." He tells me about how he's going as the Red Ranger. I ask which one and he responds, "The-the R-red One...?" I then ask if he means the Red one from various Power Ranger Shows and he answers more affirmatively, "The red one!" Looking to my left, I notice two adults standing nearby. "You his parents?" "Oh no no. We just noticed him and didn't want to leave him alone. We haven't talked to him..." So I look back at the child and then back to the man and woman, "'Kay thanks. I got it from here." "Naw it's okay. We're waiting for our family." Ignoring them, I turn back to the child who is still very calm. I ask him about his stuffed rat and make comments about how the rat must really like to eat. The child smiles and nods. It then occurs to me that I need to do something... The first thing I could think of was, "Hey you wanna help me park strollers? Would that be fun?" Energetically, he nods in excitement. I tell him to put his hands up and sit back so that I could undo his belt and I tell him to pick Emile up, which he promptly does. He sits there a moment as if unsure what to do with his freedom. I then ask him which Ranger I can be since we'll be doing such an important job. He then tells me that I can be the "p-pu..mmmm...Purple Ranger!" I tell him to hang on to his rat and to hold my hand, and we begin to walk off when I notice this large fat man wearing a very bright orange Tennessee shirt with a large T on it. Being blinded by his fat I turn away and notice this lady looking rather agitated. She yells for the child to hurry and I ask the child if they are his parents, to which he nodded. The parents yank the child by the hand and hurry into the show. I walk back over and make sure to memorize the M*R*HY and CA*P*ELL families from Tennessee.
So yea, the freaking losers forgot their kid! There were only three kids in the party and they forgot the smallest one. I was so mad. The kid didn't even look like his dad! Dad was like Santa on crack rehab but had a backslide and now dabbles in donuts too. Dad's hair was black and the kid's was blond (and so is mommy), so obviously mommy was cheating...then again she probably has to because daddy is so fat. Like the dude was obscenely fat, and yet the mom was actually attractive and thin. I don't think the guy has even seen his wedding tackle since he was a kid. That's how fat this bastard was. It makes me so mad that they didn't even seem worried about him and I don't care that they didn't thank me for watching him, but oh my God. So, to all of you parents, don't forget your kid or I will be super pissed at you and try to embarrass you on the Internet. Good night and don't piss me off.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Pargo's are the start to any great adventure...
When we got back after taking lost & found today, it was finally time to leave. Well, as me and the two guys that I've been talking to, plus a couple of more guys I work with, were waiting on the pargo to leave, I realize that there's too many people and I decide to walk. But suddenly, one of the mechanics that works on the cars came out and we all started asking about their pargo. Supposedly, they tinkered with it (they being mechanics and all) and we were certain their pargo was faster than ours. He told us to all hop on and we did. It was the quickest ride to costuming I've ever been on...we made it in like under a minute, it was awesome. He told us that they rigged theirs so that it wouldn't start unless it had the yellow light on. The mechanics are awesome! Then later that night, me and Ray went to Epcot and I showed her the World Showcase and stuff. It was fun. The worst part was that we were late meeting Steph and she thought we had already went home, so Ray and I had to ride the bus. Let me tell you, that that was the most horrific night of my life. Surrounded by a bunch of foreign kids mosh pitting to get onto a damned bus. Seriously, this rude Hispanic boy had been blowing smoke in our face the entire time we were waiting for the bus and when we finally tried getting on the bus he elbowed me and finally I smacked him in the back of the head and threw an elbow in his rib. It was a sea of human debris swarming around a bus door. Like, we would have sooooooo been screwed if zombies were coming. ...Come to think of it, I am totally screwed if zombies come because I am in a tourist town and you can only imagine how many people are here and all the foreigners that could carry the virus from where ever they're from or if they carry it back home! OMG! At least I have my zombie survival guide and a good knowledge of the area. I got to finally see Resident Evil 3 as well. It was okay, but they left it open again. It had Claire Redfield in it and Alice came back kicking some ass. But all in all, it was tolerable and I actually jumped a couple of times. So yay for Zombies and adventure! I can't think of much else to tell you guys now. I'll need to go and adventure some more today. Mainly because I am off work! So, I shall babble at y'all later!
Monday, October 8, 2007
Why me?
Yesterday, a guest hit me in the arm. Not like super hard to where I have a horrible bruise, but enough to piss me off. ...Then again, not enough for me to immediately call security, but enough for several children in my vicinity to learn a couple of new words. I told a manager though, but the lady was already gone by the time they could do anything. She hit me in the arm because she got pissed because I didn't drop everything to help her right then. As I was directing wheelchairs, she comes storming up and blocks them and begins to tell me that someone was squirting mustard on people. I was all like "OMG!" and told her to hold on just a second so I could move the wheelchair parties and she steps in front of me and continues to babble. And I'm trying to tell her I'll call security, but she gets fed up and hits me in the arm and storms off. "Nasty bitch!" is what Inner Kendora was screaming, but I said 'ma'am' instead and blurted out a couple of choice words. People are stupid...but so am I. Today we had three shows and we used the damned fastpasses. For the last show I was merge and on the radio I thought that the coordinator said to send people up the right staircase and at the same time I had this jackass babbling to me about something and this n' that, so I kick the chain down and tell him to just go. So I send about 200 people up house right, because the tunnel to house left looked backed up. Suddenly, I hear my coordinator going, "NO NO! Kendra the wheelchairs! THE WHEEL CHAIRS!" So I freak out and slam my hands down in front of the guests and start screaming at them to go the other way. Somehow, I managed to survive. My favorite part of the day was when I was VIP for the first show and these old people who haven't worked LMA in forever were giving me orders...hahaha, they don't know me. Weeeell, when I was VIP the old man told me to go and seat the chairs on the right mezzanine and I told him no. He got all crotchety with me and I told him no again with a smile on my face and said the coordinator had told me to stay in position (which wasn't a lie because she had said it last night) and I just grinned. I watched the mean old fart floundering and looking like a jackass on the other side. If he had been nice, I wouldn't have minded. But when we were cleaning house after the first show, him and his wife kept telling us all how to pick and sweep. Damn old people, I love 'em but how I wish they'd stay in retirement. Let's see...what else happened today... OH, I hate our freaking bus system. We need a new bus service here. A bus that was from the same company as the one we have provided for us pulled up near us. The dumb bus driver just said, "it's not your bus." He didn't specify and he kept smiling when he said it. The stupid f***er could have told us more clearly that it was a bus for guests and not ours instead of grinning like a moronic idiot. Finally, our real bus came, but still. The drivers are so freaking rude and they don't park where they're supposed to half of the time. I really wish I had brought my car...or that my mom and Steph would let me get a moped or something. They both tell me no because...well they really don't give me reason. I think I would look awesome on a motorcycle or moped. I could be in my own little stunt show, inside my head daily...well at least when I need to go somewhere. Also, I would save on gas and repairs! Parking would be awesome too, because I could park just about anywhere! I would wear a helmet and stuff. Maybe I should go sit outside some place and hold out a can that says, "Kendora's moped fund! Please donate. =)" Think I would get anything? Probably not because people down here suck, lol. Oh well. Maybe I'll buy a bicycle, lol. Well, I think that's all... Tomorrow I'm going to Epcot with Ray (my friend from China) because she's not been yet and I want to see how she feels about the China Pavilion. ...That and I just like going to the parks when I have free time. Okay, g'night guys!
P.S. 'Kay, I have to tell you guys about this and I can't believe I almost forgot. After we had our last show, my manager sent me to the Backlot Tour to greet and stuff. Well, when it was time to leave, I tried taking a shortcut with Claire (one of the Chinese girls) and we cut across this circle where the Backlot tram runs. I thought that the trams were done running and as we were walking past the steamroller from Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, we see a tram coming around the corner. I freak out because we can get in tons of trouble for being on the road when there's a tram coming! So we duck behind the steamroller and wait until the first part of the cab has gone past us (the part that carries the driver and the person spieling), then we shot out from behind it and jumped the railing to get to LMA. It was kind of funny because the guests were looking at us weird. I hope no one was recording, because I don't want to get in trouble for it, lol. Aaaaaand that's it. Oh, by the way, the lady that hit me didn't like punch me or anything, it really wasn't serious. So I am okay. And this is for my mom and sister: I am fine just stressed! I've got a lot going on right now and I'm not mad at you guys and I just want you to know I am busy but thinking of you. NOW...I AM GOING TO BED! G'NIGHT!
P.S. 'Kay, I have to tell you guys about this and I can't believe I almost forgot. After we had our last show, my manager sent me to the Backlot Tour to greet and stuff. Well, when it was time to leave, I tried taking a shortcut with Claire (one of the Chinese girls) and we cut across this circle where the Backlot tram runs. I thought that the trams were done running and as we were walking past the steamroller from Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, we see a tram coming around the corner. I freak out because we can get in tons of trouble for being on the road when there's a tram coming! So we duck behind the steamroller and wait until the first part of the cab has gone past us (the part that carries the driver and the person spieling), then we shot out from behind it and jumped the railing to get to LMA. It was kind of funny because the guests were looking at us weird. I hope no one was recording, because I don't want to get in trouble for it, lol. Aaaaaand that's it. Oh, by the way, the lady that hit me didn't like punch me or anything, it really wasn't serious. So I am okay. And this is for my mom and sister: I am fine just stressed! I've got a lot going on right now and I'm not mad at you guys and I just want you to know I am busy but thinking of you. NOW...I AM GOING TO BED! G'NIGHT!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Umbrellers, Pooh, and dust bins
So last night, Stephanie and Courtney and Jason and I went to Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween was not at all what I expected and hoped for it to be. It was actually pretty crappy. The cast members were rude, they gave you two pieces of candy, there weren't hardly any character sightings and the Headless Horseman walked his horse through Main Street. Seriously, it was not worth the $30 some odd dollars we paid to go. The worst part is, we saw our friend and he tried avoiding us...I had just told him earlier on the phone that we were going. So that was super lame. It was just a crappy night and made me lose faith in people a little more. The fun thing was that we all dressed up. I was a ninja and everyone else was a pirate. Jason actually sort of looked cool as a pirate and he kept calling himself "captain." I wore my "Are you a ninja or a pirate?" shirt because I thought it would be funny. Then today, we took a girl I work with to Magic Kingdom and it rained the whole day. She's Chinese and it was lots of fun. She told us about how in China her mom told her that she was found in a dust bin, so her mom took her home and said she found her sister in another bin later on. We were comparing stories about how in America we are told the stork brings us. She was also the only one smart enough to bring an umbrella, which she kept calling an 'umbreller' and it was the most awesomest thing ever. We also asked about the obsession that many Asian girls seem to have with Winnie the Pooh. It was fun. She had never been to Magic Kingdom so we took her on Pirates, The Haunted Mansion, It's a Small World, and the Peter Pan ride. Before we went to the park, we took her to property control and she thought it was cool. At the end of tonight, she gave us some chicken she cooked in Coca-Cola. It was actually pretty good. All in all, it's been an odd past couple of days. Steph is going to be awesome enough to do laundry tomorrow, I hope. I'll post some pictures of my adventures yesterday and the chicken. Be prepared.

So these are not in order, but the hands with the broom are from Goofy's float at the end of the cleaned and entertained! The villains were fun.

There was this one float with the skeleton band that proceeded the Villains. They were pretty cool. The guy on the ball was cool too because he had a pumpkin head...literally. We had a ball. lol, okay enough of the bad puns.


Like I said earlier, a lot of this is out of order. The Tick-Tock float was near the beginning of the parade. I don't remember where Pain and Panic were, but they were cool.



On to my favorite part! The Haunted Mansion float! The graveyard groundsman and his dog were there. Of course the dog wasn't emancipated because PETA got mad, lol just kidding. This is the before picture, lol again just kidding...seriously re-ride the mansion and you might get that joke. I couldn't get good pics of the butlers with the shovels, but I managed to get these good pics of the dancing zombies!



The Float was cool too because the three hitchhiking ghosts were hanging out and dancing on it. I totally loved the dancers.


This is the Pirates float, it actually came before the Haunted Mansion one... Barbossa was awesome. He actually came over to talk to Steph and I would have taken a picture, but I didn't want to blind him. He was really cool. Jack in the middle picture and was up on top of the float.


Cruella, thought it would be funny to make a mock karate yell while we posed together. She told one little girl she looked like sushi (the little girl was Ariel). On stage there was a thing with the villains singing and dancing. Afterwards, they came down. Steph was a pirate and I was a ninja with my shirt that says "Are you a ninja or a pirate?" I was the only ninja in my group. Everyone else dressed as pirates. I'll try to get a picture of us all.

Me being a ninja with Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I tried taking another picture of the castle because it looked pretty cool. Instead I got a picture of this dude while trying to take a picture of the freaking castle, thanks guy.

Like I said earlier, a lot of this is out of order. The Tick-Tock float was near the beginning of the parade. I don't remember where Pain and Panic were, but they were cool.
On to my favorite part! The Haunted Mansion float! The graveyard groundsman and his dog were there. Of course the dog wasn't emancipated because PETA got mad, lol just kidding. This is the before picture, lol again just kidding...seriously re-ride the mansion and you might get that joke. I couldn't get good pics of the butlers with the shovels, but I managed to get these good pics of the dancing zombies!
The Float was cool too because the three hitchhiking ghosts were hanging out and dancing on it. I totally loved the dancers.
This is the Pirates float, it actually came before the Haunted Mansion one... Barbossa was awesome. He actually came over to talk to Steph and I would have taken a picture, but I didn't want to blind him. He was really cool. Jack in the middle picture and was up on top of the float.
Cruella, thought it would be funny to make a mock karate yell while we posed together. She told one little girl she looked like sushi (the little girl was Ariel). On stage there was a thing with the villains singing and dancing. Afterwards, they came down. Steph was a pirate and I was a ninja with my shirt that says "Are you a ninja or a pirate?" I was the only ninja in my group. Everyone else dressed as pirates. I'll try to get a picture of us all.
Me being a ninja with Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I tried taking another picture of the castle because it looked pretty cool. Instead I got a picture of this dude while trying to take a picture of the freaking castle, thanks guy.
So this is the chicken and it was not going anywhere...but it was actually really good. Yes I was really holding it above my head without the plastic wrap. ...Do the astronauts know about this creation?
Okay, so that's it for today's adventure. G'night guys.
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