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Saturday, November 3, 2007

People are fun!

Just working back at Disney is making me feel more and home. It almost feels as if Florida never was, ya know? Tonight I felt like I was sort of important though. This little old lady got so excited when I told her I had worked at Disney! She got so happy because her granddaughter is going to do the program in January and she asked if she could have my phone number. I went ahead and gave it to her so I could answer any questions for her or her granddaughter. She even got her husband and brought him in to see me. Kevin thought it was funny and said I have this thing with older people. God, how I have missed his humor. I finally got my damned crown back too! Of course it's a tiara from the movie Enchanted, but I looked awesome rocking it out. I'll have to have Steph take some pics of me whilst I is working and then you can all behold the sad glory that is me. I've also been giving serious thought to maybe writing a couple of short stories or something and seeing if anyone would be interested in them. I would like to be the next Hunter S. Thompson! ...Only I am a girl and I would be sober for everything I do...unless being hyped up on Pixie Stix counts. And due to tonight's events, I am also seriously thinking about getting my own cards, lol. All righty then folks, I need to get to bed because I am tired. Plus, I have to work in the morning. Later guys!

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