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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Oh noes!

Again...I had to call into work again! I hate calling into work because believe me, I would much rather be working and filling my time with something to occupy myself with. I'm so pissed off about it because tomorrow morning (6:00am to be exact) I will be going and getting some more tests done and seeing a specialist. I think doctors who are "specialists" are nothing more than doctor's who went to school for an extra month! I hate going to the hospital or doctors office because no matter how poor you tell them they are, you still get bills for freak hundreds to thousands of dollars! It's bull crap and I feel like they won't find anything wrong with me like the past two times I went into the hospital. I think it's all a waste of time and I hate it. I am totally serious when I tell my mom to just take me out back and shoot me before taking me to incur more bills. ...>__< ! <~~Angry face. The good news is, I've finally finished my book and printed out a copy of it. I'm going to let several people read it and then take any of their comments into consideration and make appropriate changes before sending it off to be copyrighted. I might do that before I actually let someone else read it. Honestly, I think I've got something with my story and I'm trying to keep it as closely guarded as possible, but I'm sooooo excited about it. At least being cooped up in bed has had it's advantages. I just hope I feel better soon, and that I figure out how to go about getting my book noticed by a publisher. For now anyways, I'm going to pass out and get some sleep. Maybe sleeping more will help me get rid of whatever it is that's making me sick (I still think it's stress). G'night guys!

1 comment:

Mary said...

You can always do a "poor man's copyright" in the mean time...print out another copy and mail it to yourself (but don't open it). That way you have the date on the postmark should anyone be stupid and try to claim the work as their own.