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Sunday, September 9, 2007

That one looks like a unicorn!

Everyday I go to work, or even when I just look out the windows of our apartment, I see nothing but this big blue sky full of enormous white clouds floating by. It's truly amazing and I wonder if I ever remember the sky being so big and clear back home. Everything back home is sort of scrunched together and there's nature everywhere. Here, everything is so spread out and overly sized. At times, I don't know if I love it or am afraid of it all. Looking up at that big wondrous sky, I think that my future and all the possibilities in my life are endless and positive, and then I wonder if it's all real or if it's all an ephemeral dream. I feel good though when I look up. At work, before our next show, I'll sometimes lay down in the middle of the stadium on one of the bleachers and just watch the clouds drift by. ...'Kay enough of the girly mushy stuff, I just thought I'd mention how freaking gargantuan the sky is and how screwed we all are if the sky falls down because there's no trees or buildings close together enough here to hold it all up. I've also noticed another thing here in Florida. I have totally developed this inner personality, lol. She is known as Inner Kendra. Inner Kendra thinks about the really mean and good things I should say to people, unfortunately she just thinks it because Outer Kendra knows she'll get fired if Inner Kendra is unleashed. So the other day when the guy squirted the freaking mustard on my shoe and pant leg, Inner Kendra slipped out and told him about the ketchup. Typically though, Outer Kendra looks calm on the outside despite the large overweight red-faced man yelling at her, while Inner Kendra is thinking of funny yet mean yet brutally honest things to say to the grizzly bear of a jackass. ...Now, if you're thinking I'm crazy, I'm not because everyone else has an inner personality that they keep locked up inside so they don't get fired for telling their boss to go get their own coffee or telling a customer that if they don't like, then go to another store. You guys just might give your inner personalities better and more original names. Okay, Superstar is on TV and since I can lounge around the house and actually have TV time, I'm off to watch Molly Shannon in one of her funny roles. Later!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Oh yes I definitely have an Inner Mary. She had a hard time not coming out on Saturday when a guest pointed to the lunch totes behind me and asked "those lunch bags there, what are those?" Not knowing what exactly to say, I said "lunch bags." He was like "oh how cool!" But then he showed me a kids size 7 shoe and asks "is this a kid's size 7?" You have no idea the amount of strength it took in me to not say "nope, those are adult sizes." And those are just the clueless people. I have plenty of lovely things to say to the jerks that come in...but I also happen to like being employed. LOL