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Friday, September 7, 2007

Taquitos and Slurpee's

So I absolutely love Slurpee's and Taquitos from 7-11. I am all about 7-11. It truly saddens me that we don't have them back home in Kentucky. Work was amazingly semi-normal today. The only bad thing that happened was when I was House Assist. That means I help park all the wheelchairs and stuff. Well, I suddenly had to know, and I was dying. Trying to park wheelchairs and not scream at people violently when you have to go so badly that your insides are melting, is an area I do not want to venture into again. Finally, the other girl I was working with came back to her position and I literally was screaming from the stairs (as I was halfway down them), "I GOTTA GO TO THE BATHROOM!!!!!!!" But I made it. And the weird thing is, I didn't eat Taquitos until like 10 minutes ago. I couldn't wait to get them home, so I devoured them in the car on the way home. After work I met up with Steph and caused havoc at Epcot for a while, hence her having drove me home after replenishing health at the local 7-11. Aaaaaaand that's about it for the night, so this is your captain signing off. G'night guys!

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