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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Nap time!

I am super tired. I had the same position twice today, but I guess I didn't really mind. During our lunch break, the co-ordinator and some of my fellow co-workers had a water gun fight. I didn't join it until right before we went on stage, and my participation wasn't very long. The highlight of the day was getting to drive the pargo (golf cart) back stage. We had to go get some water for our water cooler and I drove there and back. It was cool mainly because I got to kind of drive onstage and then I had to park the pargo back in place. I drove backwards and would have kept going, but one of my coworkers was out there with me and I didn't think they'd find it as cool as I would if I could drive all the way back to our parking spot, backwards. Oh yea, Kate came and saw me after our second show and I talked to her for a while. She's in Magic Kingdom at the Emporium. I'm so happy I got MGM again because I love it here. Nothing else really happened today except me now currently wanting to take a nap. ...OH! I discovered my freaking new (well they're not so new) sneakers are now falling apart! Stupid Nikes...The heel of the shoes are peeling away and I'm going to have to super glue them back together or something. Oh well. That's my luck and the story of my life. I would use duct tape, only then my shoes would not be appropriate costume material. Unless I was suddenly cast in the role of homeless beggar trying to get a director to read my script and make me a fortune... Hey, MGM's theme is 1940's Hollywood, that would totally be in character! I should pitch that next time I talk to my manager and move to entertainment, lol I'm totally kidding. Although I did think about entering the college program talent thingie. I sort of wanted to try stand-up so I can say I did it at least once in my life. ...Naw, probably not and I'm sure I missed the deadline and more than likely my friends will be working. Boy...I really am beat so I think I'm going to go ahead and try to take a nap or maybe just go on to bed. I'll talk to you guys later!!

P.S. New discovery about the lizards that live here. They have bubbles under their throats like frogs, only they are flat and look more like a cape opening up from their chin to their chest. Seriously, g'night people!

1 comment:

Kate said...

I'd come see you at cool beans (i think that's what its called) if I'm off work that night! Yea the lizzards do have those bubble things. I was there! It sorta freaks me out that they're all over the place. And I can't get use to the sprinkler systems. Only golf courses, the Great Lawn, and rich people have those at home.