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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Okay, let's clear this up...

My mom says that it sounds like I hate my job and yadda yadda yadda. The truth is, I hate being out in the sun (dying), but deep down I do like my job (deep deep down). I mean, it sucks I'm outside in the blazing heat and sweating and chaffing, but when I watch the guests faces when they watch the show, it reminds me of what I'm here for. I'm here to make magic for others and I love that part of my job. The truth is, everyone hates their job in some way or another and I don't mean to make this blog a rant about my stay here. So I just wanted to clear that up for everyone. I'm having adventures, unfortunately they're more like misadventures at this point. But did I mention when I rode the Norway ride by myself it was creepy. I almost closed my eyes when the trolls started scolding me for coming into their swamp and I was all like "but dudes I'm on a viking ship that is on a track so I can't help it." Darn trolls. They're so whiny. And when I rode Test Track I was with two little British kids who kept screaming and freaking out when we sped up or whatever. At the end though they kept repeating "that was jolly good wasn't it?" Gotta love the Brits! Did I mention I'm getting an awesome awesome farmer's tan! Ha! Okay, just thought I'd clear all that up and I promise to make my days sound more adventurous or something. G'night peoples!

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