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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Zombie Smash!

School is funny because there was this lady in my English class that posted a nasty comment to one of my responses and so I responded in kind. It just sucked because she didn't stop posting stupid things after I tried ending it. But it's cool, she's just some 30 yr old lady that has no life but to only argue with people younger than her to and make herself look good. Too bad that I am still smarter than her. Kendra FTW (that's for the win for those of you not Internet speak savvy). I'm actually excited about going back to work tomorrow, only because I feel like I need to be earning money, ya know? Due to being busy with school and homework and work, I haven't had much time to smash me some zombies. Thankfully, I finally got a couple of minutes tonight to do some zombie smashing. I'm also trying to actually save me some survivors this time around so that I can level up better. A good tip for those of you is: if someone has a wound, make sure it's not a bite. An injured person could infect your entire party. And remember, a party that is too big can have discord and mutiny, so keep them small and effective. Only equip people who are reliable and can be counted on. ...If only the Artificial Intelligence on the survivors in the game could do this... Aaaaaaaaanyway, just thought I'd drop by. Good night for now guys. Later!!

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