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Friday, January 25, 2008

stupid sinuses

My nose is runny, my head hurts, and when I turn my head a certain way I can feel the pressure in my facial muscles...does that make sense? I hope I don't have a sinus infection. My sore throat is going away, so that's a good sign. I've been laying in bed and trying to get some rest. I think it's working. I just have to keep drinking hot tea and stuffing my face with food. After all, the saying goes, "Feed a cold and starve a fever." I hated not going to work today, I hate staying in bed, but I guess it's a good thing I didn't go, or else I would never get enough rest to get better and I could have gotten worse by going to work and overexerting myself. My muscles are killing me, I'm going to go ahead and lay back down. I suppose I just wanted to post and let everyone know I'm alive but feeling like a zombie, lol. Talk to you all again later. G'night!!!!!!!!!!!

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