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Friday, February 22, 2008

Traffic, the bane of my existence.

TWO HOURS. IT TOOK ME FREAKING TWO HOURS TO GET HOME. It's a freaking 15 minute drive to and from work, but it took me 2 hours to get home. I ate my cold chips and queso, trying not to get out of my car to kick the person's asses in front of me!
I drive to take the expressway home, and had to turn all the way around and then take the looooooooong way home. I swear. So pissed... And at work, this lady got mad at me because I politely told her she needed a driver's license to use her unsigned credit card because it's our store policy, and of course she gave me the "I didn't plan on coming here!" So, wanting to avoid an argument or upset the lady, I said she could use her card but next time she'd need to have her ID. She promptly informed my manager that I was snooty. Right, a 23 yr old girl working in a kid's store wearing freaking bunny ears on her head, being snooty? I seriously doubt it, because I am awesome. I'm never rude to people either...unless they totally deserve it, and then I subtly insult them. You learn a few things after 7+ years of retail. It's been an adventure. I passed my midterm though in British Literature, so it sort of makes up for the whole crappiness of my life...for a short moment anyway, lol. This week was sort of cool because I got to watch my new little cousin, whom I have dubbed "Scrappy Doo." He was awesome because he's a baby and didn't freak out and totally was good for me. So, that makes up for it too. Eh...I'm going to go eat me some grapes and play pokemon. G'night guys! Enjoy this amazing video of zombies dancing to one of my favorite anime theme songs.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I've had stupid people like that before. I think my favorite was the person who wrote "See ID" on the back and they didn't have their ID and she had the nerve to get mad at me for requiring ID. I've just started telling people "technically I'm not even supposed to accept the card because it specifically states on the back of the card that it's not authorized unless signed. I'm bending their rules enough as it is by accepting an unsigned card with just a photo ID." Usually the stupid people shut right up after that.