need to search my page or the net?


Monday, September 29, 2008


It's really cool to think, here I am sitting with my wireless laptop in class, looking cool like everyone else... Awesome. Of course the laptop adds 10lbs to the already 30lbs I've got strapped to my back in addition to my own weight. So, that all equals to Kendora being tired. I finally got the nerve to e-mail the agent guy and he was like 'oh it's still under review' which I suppose could be a good thing if I stop and look at it. Work's been hectic lately and it's not even Christmas time! We had these stupid $25 coupons and it was pretty much a fail at life and sales. People don't seem to understand that coupons- ALL OF THEM, have restrictions and valid dates that they are usable for. But thank goodness I have fun people to work with, or I'd lose my mind...more so than I already have. I've been bogged down with school work this semester and I'm amazed at this sudden ability I have to balance work and school work together. There's actually a take home test I should be working on, but I decided to look uber cool and write in my blog. Maybe I'll go to a Starbucks and look even cooler. You know, because I am a writer and I need to do what all other college student writers do and go to Starbucks so that EVERYONE can see me writing, lol. Actually, I came up with a pretty good idea for a short story that I need to write and enter into a contest. Meh...maybe I will, maybe I won't. I think it's something that hasn't been done before. I need to go ahead and help Steph study for Japanese. I am the Japanese assistant after all...along with like three other people. But I digress...It's time for Modern China and I need to help Steph secretly study for Japanese later. So, I'll talk to you guys later!!

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